1. ccdR::bioactivity_api_server
    Bioactivity API Server url
  2. ccdR::chemical_api_server
    Chemical API Server url
  3. ccdR::exposure_api_server
    Exposure API Server url
  4. ccdR::hazard_api_server
    Hazard API Server url
  5. ctxR::bioactivity_api_server
    Bioactivity API Server url
  6. ctxR::chemical_api_server
    Chemical API Server url
  7. ctxR::exposure_api_server
    Exposure API Server url
  8. ctxR::hazard_api_server
    Hazard API Server url
  9. elevatr::lake
    SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of Lake Sunapee
  10. elevatr::pt_df
    Small data frame of xy locations
  11. elevatr::sf_big
    A sf POINT dataset of random points
  12. elevatr::lake
    SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of Lake Sunapee
  13. elevatr::pt_df
    Small data frame of xy locations
  14. elevatr::sf_big
    A sf POINT dataset of random points
  15. httk::EPA.ref
    Reference for EPA Physico-Chemical Data
  16. httk::Frank2018invivo
    Literature In Vivo Data on Doses Causing Neurological Effects
  17. httk::Obach2008
    Published Pharmacokinetic Parameters from Obach et al. 2008
  18. httk::Tables.Rdata.stamp
    A timestamp of table creation
  19. httk::Wetmore2012
    Published toxicokinetic predictions based on in vitro data from Wetmore et al. 2012.
  20. httk::armitage_input
    Armitage et al. (2014) Model Inputs from Honda et al. (2019)
  21. httk::aylward2014
    Aylward et al. 2014
  22. httk::bmiage
    CDC BMI-for-age charts
  23. httk::chem.invivo.PK.aggregate.data
    Parameter Estimates from Wambaugh et al. (2018)
  24. httk::chem.invivo.PK.data
    Published toxicokinetic time course measurements
  25. httk::chem.invivo.PK.summary.data
    Summary of published toxicokinetic time course experiments
  26. httk::chem.physical_and_invitro.data
    Physico-chemical properties and in vitro measurements for toxicokinetics
  27. httk::concentration_data_Linakis2020
    Concentration data involved in Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.
  28. httk::dawson2021
    Dawson et al. 2021 data
  29. httk::example.seem
    SEEM Example Data We can grab SEEM daily intake rate predictions already in RData format from https://github.com/HumanExposure/SEEM3RPackage/tree/main/SEEM3/data Download the file Ring2018Preds.RData
  30. httk::example.toxcast
    ToxCast Example Data The main page for the ToxCast data is here: https://www.epa.gov/comptox-tools/exploring-toxcast-data Most useful to us is a single file containing all the hits across all chemcials and assays: https://clowder.edap-cluster.com/datasets/6364026ee4b04f6bb1409eda?space=62bb560ee4b07abf29f88fef
  31. httk::fetalpcs
    Fetal Partition Coefficients
  32. httk::hct_h
    KDE bandwidths for residual variability in hematocrit
  33. httk::honda2023.data
    Measured Caco-2 Apical-Basal Permeability Data
  34. httk::honda2023.qspr
    Predicted Caco-2 Apical-Basal Permeabilities
  35. httk::howgate
    Howgate 2006
  36. httk::httk.performance
    Historical Performance of R Package httk
  37. httk::hw_H
    KDE bandwidth for residual variability in height/weight
  38. httk::johnson
    Johnson 2006
  39. httk::kapraun2019
    Kapraun et al. 2019 data
  40. httk::mcnally_dt
    Reference tissue masses and flows from tables in McNally et al. 2014.
  41. httk::mecdt
    Pre-processed NHANES data.
  42. httk::metabolism_data_Linakis2020
    Metabolism data involved in Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.
  43. httk::onlyp
    NHANES Exposure Data
  44. httk::pc.data
    Partition Coefficient Data
  45. httk::pearce2017regression
    Pearce et al. 2017 data
  46. httk::pharma
    DRUGS|NORMAN: Pharmaceutical List with EU, Swiss, US Consumption Data
  47. httk::physiology.data
    Species-specific physiology parameters
  48. httk::pksim.pcs
    Partition Coefficients from PK-Sim
  49. httk::pradeep2020
    Pradeep et al. 2020
  50. httk::pregnonpregaucs
    AUCs for Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women
  51. httk::scr_h
    KDE bandwidths for residual variability in serum creatinine
  52. httk::sipes2017
    Sipes et al. 2017 data
  53. httk::supptab1_Linakis2020
    Supplementary output from Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.
  54. httk::supptab2_Linakis2020
    More supplementary output from Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.
  55. httk::tissue.data
    Tissue composition and species-specific physiology parameters
  56. httk::wambaugh2019
    in vitro Toxicokinetic Data from Wambaugh et al. (2019)
  57. httk::wambaugh2019.nhanes
    NHANES Chemical Intake Rates for chemicals in Wambaugh et al. (2019)
  58. httk::wambaugh2019.raw
    Raw Bayesian in vitro Toxicokinetic Data Analysis from Wambaugh et al. (2019)
  59. httk::wambaugh2019.seem3
    ExpoCast SEEM3 Consensus Exposure Model Predictions for Chemical Intake Rates
  60. httk::wambaugh2019.tox21
    Tox21 2015 Active Hit Calls (EPA)
  61. httk::wang2018
    Wang et al. 2018 Wang et al. (2018) screened the blood of 75 pregnant women for the presence of environmental organic acids (EOAs) and identified mass spectral features corresponding to 453 chemical formulae of which 48 could be mapped to likely structures. Of the 48 with tentative structures the identity of six were confirmed with available chemical standards.
  62. httk::well_param
    Microtiter Plate Well Descriptions for Armitage et al. (2014) Model
  63. httk::wfl
    WHO weight-for-length charts
  64. micromap::OrEcoLevel3
    Example Dataset: Oregon Level 3 Ecoregion Shapefile
  65. micromap::USstates
    Example Dataset: U.S. States Polygons
  66. micromap::WSA3
    Example Dataset: Major U.S. EcoRegions
  67. micromap::edPov
    Example Dataset: Education and Poverty Levels
  68. micromap::lungMort
    Example Dataset: Lung Cancer Mortality
  69. micromap::statesFlatfile
    Example Dataset: A Table of State Polygons
  70. micromap::vegCov
    Example Dataset: Vegetation Coverage Percentages
  71. pTITAN2::CD_06_Mall_wID
    Example Data Sets
  72. pTITAN2::CN_06_Mall_wID
    Example Data Sets
  73. pTITAN2::C_IC_D_06_wID
    Example Data Sets
  74. pTITAN2::C_IC_N_06_wID
    Example Data Sets
  75. pTITAN2::permutation_example
    Permutation Example Result
  76. spmodel::caribou
    A caribou forage experiment
  77. spmodel::lake
    National Lakes Assessment Data
  78. spmodel::lake_preds
    Lakes Prediction Data
  79. spmodel::moose
    Moose counts and presence in Alaska, USA
  80. spmodel::moose_preds
    Locations at which to predict moose counts and presence in Alaska, USA
  81. spmodel::moss
    Heavy metals in mosses near a mining road in Alaska, USA
  82. spmodel::seal
    Estimated harbor-seal trends from abundance data in southeast Alaska, USA
  83. spmodel::sulfate
    Sulfate atmospheric deposition in the conterminous USA
  84. spmodel::sulfate_preds
    Locations at which to predict sulfate atmospheric deposition in the conterminous USA
  85. spmodel::texas
    Texas Turnout Data
  86. spsurvey::Illinois_River
    Illinois River data
  87. spsurvey::Illinois_River_Legacy
    Illinois River legacy data
  88. spsurvey::Lake_Ontario
    Lake Ontario data
  89. spsurvey::NE_Lakes
    New England Lakes data
  90. spsurvey::NE_Lakes_Legacy
    New England Lakes legacy data
  91. spsurvey::NE_Lakes_df
    New England Lakes data (as a data frame)
  92. spsurvey::NLA_PNW
    NLA PNW data
  93. spsurvey::NRSA_EPA7
    NRSA EPA7 data
  94. SSN2::mf04p
    Imported SSN object from the MiddleFork04.ssn data folder
  95. tcpl::invitrodb_dd
    Short descriptions of fields for different tables are stored in a data dictionary.
  96. tcpl::load_data_columns
    Lists of column names returned from tcplLoadData invitrodb v4.1 (same as CCTE Bioactivity API version).
  97. tcpl::mc_test
    List of lists containing queries sent to tcplQuery associated with each test case. Each list also contains the associated ids with each case. Only meant to be used with automated testing with mocking for mc data.
  98. tcpl::mc_vignette
    List with multi-concentration data for the vignette
  99. tcpl::mcdat
    A subset of ToxCast data showing changes in the activity of the intracellular estrogen receptor.
  100. tcpl::sc_test
    List of lists containing queries sent to tcplQuery associated with each test case. Each list also contains the associated ids with each case. Only meant to be used with automated testing with mocking for sc data.
  101. tcpl::sc_vignette
    List with single-concentration data for the vignette
  102. tcpl::scdat
    A subset of ToxCast data showing changes in transcription factor activity for multiple targets.
  103. tcpl::test_api
    List containing ids used for different automated tests of tcpl integration with the CTX APIs, randomly selected from what is available via API.