ctxR: Chemical APIUpdated 4 days ago

US EPA's Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure [email protected]

Rendered from Chemical.Rmd in ctxR
Introduction to elevatrUpdated 7 days ago

Jeffrey W. Hollister

Rendered from introduction_to_elevatr.Rmd in elevatr
Introduction to elevatrUpdated 7 days ago

Jeffrey W. Hollister

Rendered from introduction_to_elevatr.Rmd in elevatr
An Introduction to spmodelUpdated 20 days ago

Michael Dumelle, Matt Higham, and Jay M. Ver Hoef

Rendered from introduction.Rmd in spmodel 0.9.0.
Introduction to the micromap packageUpdated 21 days ago

Marcus W. Beck

Rendered from Introduction_Guide.Rnw in micromap 1.9.9.
ctxR: Exposure APIUpdated 1 months ago

US EPA's Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure [email protected]

Rendered from Exposure.Rmd in ctxR
ctxR: Utilities for Interacting with the CTX APIs in RUpdated 1 months ago

US EPA's Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure [email protected]

Rendered from Introduction.Rmd in ctxR
ctxR: Bioactivity APIUpdated 1 months ago

US EPA's Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure [email protected]

Rendered from Bioactivity.Rmd in ctxR
ctxR: Hazard APIUpdated 1 months ago

US EPA's Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure [email protected]

Rendered from Hazard.Rmd in ctxR
An Introduction to Spatial Stream Network Modeling in R Using SSN2Updated 2 months ago

Michael Dumelle, Erin Peterson, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Alan Pearse, and Dan Isaak

Rendered from introduction.Rmd in SSN2 0.2.1.
Chemical APIUpdated 2 months ago

Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure

Rendered from Chemical.Rmd in ccdR 1.1.0.
Getting started with ccdR: Introduction Vignette Updated 3 months ago

Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure

Rendered from Introduction.Rmd in ccdR 1.1.0.
Bioactivity APIUpdated 3 months ago

Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure

Rendered from Bioactivity.Rmd in ccdR 1.1.0.
Exposure APIUpdated 3 months ago

Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure

Rendered from Exposure.Rmd in ccdR 1.1.0.
Hazard APIUpdated 3 months ago

Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure

Rendered from Hazard.Rmd in ccdR 1.1.0.
RAQSAPI - AcknowledgementsUpdated 3 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from Acknowledgements.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - RAQSAPI functions Long versionUpdated 3 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from RAQSAPIFunctions-Long.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - Troubleshooting RAQSAPIUpdated 3 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from Troubleshooting.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
Introduction to HTTK Updated 5 months ago

Miyuki Breen, Anna Kreutz, and John Wambaugh

Rendered from V1_IntroToHTTK.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Introduction to In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation (IVIVE) with R Package httkUpdated 5 months ago

John Wambaugh and Elaina Kenyon

Rendered from V2_IntrotoIVIVE.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Ring et al. (2017) HTTK-Pop: Generating subpopulationsUpdated 5 months ago

Caroline Ring

Rendered from Vb_Ring2017.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Pearce et al. (2017): Updated v79i04.R ExamplesUpdated 9 months ago

Robert G Pearce, R Woodrow Setzer, Cory L Strope, Nisha S Sipes, and John F Wambaugh

Rendered from Va_Pearce2017.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Frank et al. (2018): Neuronal Network IVIVEUpdated 9 months ago

John F. Wambaugh

Rendered from Vd_Frank2019.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Pearce et al. (2017): Evaluation of Tissue PartitioningUpdated 9 months ago

Robert Pearce

Rendered from Vc_Pearce2017.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Wambaugh et al. (2018): Evaluating In Vitro-In Vivo ExtrapolationUpdated 9 months ago

John Wambaugh

Rendered from Ve_Wambaugh2018.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Honda et al. (2019): Updated Armitage et al. (2014) ModelUpdated 9 months ago

Gregory S. Honda

Rendered from Vf_Honda2019.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Wambaugh et al. (2019): Uncertainty Monte CarloUpdated 9 months ago

John F. Wambaugh

Rendered from Vg_Wambaugh2019.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Linakis et al. (2020): High Throughput Inhalation ModelUpdated 9 months ago

Matt Linakis

Rendered from Vh_Linakis2020.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Kapraun et al. (2022): Generic Human Gestational ModelUpdated 9 months ago

Dustin F. Kapraun, Mark Sfeir, Robert Pearce, Sarah Davidson, Annie Lumen, Andre Dallmann, Richard Judson, and John F. Wambaugh

Rendered from Vi_Kapraun2022.Rmd in httk 2.3.1.
Introduction to the RAQSAPI packageUpdated 10 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey

Rendered from RAQSAPIvignette.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
pyaqsapi - a port of RAQSAPI to the python 3 programming environmentUpdated 10 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey

Rendered from pyaqsapi.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - About the timeliness of AQS DataUpdated 10 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from TimelinessofAQSData.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - Introduction to RAQSAPIUpdated 10 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from Intro.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - Objectives of the RAQSAPI packageUpdated 10 months ago

Clinton Mccrowey

Rendered from RAQSAPIPurpose.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - A Brief introduction into RAQSAPI functionsUpdated 2 years ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from RAQSAPIFunctions-Brief.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
Analyzing DataUpdated 2 years ago

Michael Dumelle, Tom Kincaid, Anthony Olsen, and Marc Weber

Rendered from analysis.Rmd in spsurvey 5.5.1.
Spatially Balanced SamplingUpdated 2 years ago

Michael Dumelle, Tom Kincaid, Anthony Olsen, and Marc Weber

Rendered from sampling.Rmd in spsurvey 5.5.1.
Start HereUpdated 2 years ago

Michael Dumelle, Tom Kincaid, Anthony Olsen, and Marc Weber

Rendered from start-here.Rmd in spsurvey 5.5.1.
Summarizing and Visualizing Sampling Frames, Design Sites, and Analysis DataUpdated 2 years ago

Michael Dumelle, Tom Kincaid, Anthony Olsen, and Marc Weber

Rendered from EDA.Rmd in spsurvey 5.5.1.
pTITAN2Updated 2 years ago

Stephanie Figary^1^, Peter E. DeWitt^2,3,4^, and Naomi Detenbeck^5^

Rendered from pTITAN2.Rmd in pTITAN2 1.0.2.
RAQSAPI - Using RAQSAPIUpdated 2 years ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from UsingRAQSAPI.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - Usage tips and precautionsUpdated 3 years ago

Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA

Rendered from RAQSAPIusagetipsandprecautions.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - Install and SetupUpdated 3 years ago

Clinton Mccrowey

Rendered from InstallandSetup.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.
RAQSAPI - EPA DisclaimerUpdated 4 years ago

Clinton Mccrowey

Rendered from EPA_Disclaimer.Rmd in RAQSAPI 2.0.5.