Package: spmodel 0.9.0

Michael Dumelle

spmodel: Spatial Statistical Modeling and Prediction

Fit, summarize, and predict for a variety of spatial statistical models applied to point-referenced and areal (lattice) data. Parameters are estimated using various methods. Additional modeling features include anisotropy, non-spatial random effects, partition factors, big data approaches, and more. Model-fit statistics are used to summarize, visualize, and compare models. Predictions at unobserved locations are readily obtainable. For additional details, see Dumelle et al. (2023) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0282524>.

Authors:Michael Dumelle [aut, cre], Matt Higham [aut], Ryan A. Hill [ctb], Michael Mahon [ctb], Jay M. Ver Hoef [aut]

spmodel.pdf |spmodel.html
spmodel/json (API)

# Install 'spmodel' in R:
install.packages('spmodel', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • caribou - A caribou forage experiment
  • lake - National Lakes Assessment Data
  • lake_preds - Lakes Prediction Data
  • moose - Moose counts and presence in Alaska, USA
  • moose_preds - Locations at which to predict moose counts and presence in Alaska, USA
  • moss - Heavy metals in mosses near a mining road in Alaska, USA
  • seal - Estimated harbor-seal trends from abundance data in southeast Alaska, USA
  • sulfate - Sulfate atmospheric deposition in the conterminous USA
  • sulfate_preds - Locations at which to predict sulfate atmospheric deposition in the conterminous USA
  • texas - Texas Turnout Data


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Last updated 4 months agofrom:40ce490d0f. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 05 2025



An Introduction to spmodel

Rendered fromintroduction.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 05 2025.

Last update: 2024-08-27
Started: 2023-10-25

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Compute AICc of fitted model objectsAICc
Compute analysis of variance and likelihood ratio tests of fitted model objectsanova.spautor anova.spgautor anova.spglm anova.splm anova.spmodel tidy.anova.spautor tidy.anova.spgautor tidy.anova.spglm tidy.anova.splm
Augment data with information from fitted model objectsaugment.spautor augment.spgautor augment.spglm augment.splm augment.spmodel
Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic CurveAUROC AUROC.spgautor AUROC.spglm
A caribou forage experimentcaribou
Extract fitted model coefficientscoef.spautor coef.spgautor coef.spglm coef.splm coef.spmodel coefficients.spautor coefficients.spgautor coefficients.spglm coefficients.splm
Confidence intervals for fitted model parametersconfint.spautor confint.spgautor confint.spglm confint.splm confint.spmodel
Compute Cook's distancecooks.distance.spautor cooks.distance.spgautor cooks.distance.spglm cooks.distance.splm cooks.distance.spmodel
Create a covariance matrixcovmatrix covmatrix.spautor covmatrix.spgautor covmatrix.spglm covmatrix.splm
Fitted model deviancedeviance.spautor deviance.spgautor deviance.spglm deviance.splm deviance.spmodel
Create a dispersion parameter initial objectdispersion_initial
Create a dispersion parameter objectdispersion_params
Compute the empirical semivariogramesv plot.esv
Extract model fitted valuesfitted.spautor fitted.spgautor fitted.spglm fitted.splm fitted.spmodel fitted.values.spautor fitted.values.spgautor fitted.values.spglm fitted.values.splm
Model formulaeformula.spautor formula.spgautor formula.spglm formula.splm formula.spmodel
Glance at a fitted model objectglance.spautor glance.spgautor glance.spglm glance.splm glance.spmodel
Glance at many fitted model objectsglances glances.spautor glances.spautor_list glances.spgautor glances.spgautor_list glances.spglm glances.spglm_list glances.splm glances.splm_list
Compute leverage (hat) valueshatvalues.spautor hatvalues.spgautor hatvalues.spglm hatvalues.splm hatvalues.spmodel
Regression diagnosticsinfluence.spautor influence.spgautor influence.spglm influence.splm influence.spmodel
Find labels from objectlabels.spautor labels.spgautor labels.spglm labels.splm labels.spmodel
National Lakes Assessment Datalake
Lakes Prediction Datalake_preds
Extract log-likelihoodlogLik.spautor logLik.spgautor logLik.spglm logLik.splm logLik.spmodel
Perform leave-one-out cross validationloocv loocv.spautor loocv.spgautor loocv.spglm loocv.splm
Extract the model frame from a fitted model objectmodel.frame.spautor model.frame.spgautor model.frame.spglm model.frame.splm model.frame.spmodel
Extract the model matrix from a fitted model objectmodel.matrix.spautor model.matrix.spgautor model.matrix.spglm model.matrix.splm model.matrix.spmodel
Moose counts and presence in Alaska, USAmoose
Locations at which to predict moose counts and presence in Alaska, USAmoose_preds
Heavy metals in mosses near a mining road in Alaska, USAmoss
Plot fitted model diagnosticsplot.spautor plot.spgautor plot.spglm plot.splm plot.spmodel
Model predictions (Kriging)predict.spautor predict.spautorRF predict.spautorRF_list predict.spautor_list predict.spgautor predict.spgautor_list predict.spglm predict.spglm_list predict.splm predict.splmRF predict.splmRF_list predict.splm_list predict.spmodel
Print valuesprint.anova.spautor print.anova.spgautor print.anova.spglm print.anova.splm print.spautor print.spgautor print.spglm print.splm print.spmodel print.summary.spautor print.summary.spgautor print.summary.spglm print.summary.splm
Compute a pseudo r-squaredpseudoR2 pseudoR2.spautor pseudoR2.spgautor pseudoR2.spglm pseudoR2.splm
Create a random effects covariance parameter initial objectrandcov_initial
Create a random effects covariance parameter objectrandcov_params
Extract fitted model residualsresid.spautor resid.spgautor resid.spglm resid.splm residuals.spautor residuals.spgautor residuals.spglm residuals.splm residuals.spmodel rstandard.spautor rstandard.spgautor rstandard.spglm rstandard.splm
Estimated harbor-seal trends from abundance data in southeast Alaska, USAseal
Fit spatial autoregressive modelsspautor
Fit random forest spatial residual modelsspautorRF
Create a spatial covariance parameter initial objectspcov_initial
Create a spatial covariance parameter objectspcov_params
Fit spatial generalized autoregressive modelsspgautor
Fit spatial generalized linear modelsspglm
Fit spatial linear modelssplm
Fit random forest spatial residual modelssplmRF
Simulate a spatial beta random variablesprbeta
Simulate a spatial binomial random variablesprbinom
Simulate a spatial gamma random variablesprgamma
Simulate a spatial inverse gaussian random variablesprinvgauss
Simulate a spatial negative binomial random variablesprnbinom
Simulate a spatial normal (Gaussian) random variablesprnorm sprnorm.exponential sprnorm.none
Simulate a spatial Poisson random variablesprpois
Sulfate atmospheric deposition in the conterminous USAsulfate
Locations at which to predict sulfate atmospheric deposition in the conterminous USAsulfate_preds
Summarize a fitted model objectsummary.spautor summary.spgautor summary.spglm summary.splm summary.spmodel
Texas Turnout Datatexas
Tidy a fitted model objecttidy.spautor tidy.spgautor tidy.spglm tidy.splm tidy.spmodel
Variability component comparisonvarcomp varcomp.spautor varcomp.spgautor varcomp.spglm varcomp.splm
Calculate variance-covariance matrix for a fitted model objectvcov.spautor vcov.spgautor vcov.spglm vcov.splm vcov.spmodel